Services de santé et de bien-être

Le Centre de bien-être offre un éventail de cours, de services et d’activités pour les nouveaux parents, les familles d’Ottawa et toute personne enceinte. Le Centre est ouvert au grand public, peu importe où vous comptez accoucher et à qui vous confiez vos soins.

Cours et activités au Centre de bien-être

Nous louons des espaces à divers fournisseurs qui proposent des cours et des services payants au grand public. Consultez notre calendrier ci-dessous pour découvrir tous les cours à l’horaire.

Enfin, le CNBEO tient des évènements spéciaux tels que des conférences portes ouvertes et une fête pour marquer son anniversaire chaque année. Tous nos évènements figurante à notre calendrier, et nous en faisons l’annonce sur Facebook et Instagram.

Perinatal Mental Health Partnership Program

Perinatal Mental Health Partnership Program

The partnership focuses on sharing mental health expertise and providing support to midwives, OBWC clients, and to parents and caregivers in Ottawa and beyond.

Dr. Susan Farrell, vice president of patient care services and community mental health at The Royal, says the focus on capacity building is an important part of being a “hospital without walls.”

“We envision a future in which mental health care meets people where they are at – all through our community,” says Farrell.

“The Royal is really bringing the expertise and we are providing the space and the support,” says Elyse Banham, executive director of the Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre. This collaboration was important before the pandemic, but has taken on even more significance given that physical distancing guidelines have severely impacted the type of support that new parents can receive from family and friends.

Live online Q&As with mental health experts are being offered through the OBWC Facebook page. Visit our

Journaling as a Wellness Tool

Journaling is a skill that can assist with processing thoughts, feelings and emotions. The goal of the group is to introduce women to journaling trough a variety of writing exercises. Sharing is optional. Women will have the opportunity to begin to incorporate journaling into their daily wellness routines.

The group is led by a peer facilitator.

Please contact Nancy McLaren Kennedy at

Perinatal Wellness Group

Join other people who are in their perinatal period for a weekly check in and discussion of topics that are chosen by participants. Past topics have included:

Wellness tools, pregnancy and postpartum during COVID-19 and physical distancing and navigating relationships with family members. This group meets weekly and is led by a peer facilitator and the Lead of Women's Mental Health at The Royal.

Participants benefit from connecting with other pregnant and postpartum people and learning that they are not alone. We've been there and we get it.

Please contact Nancy McLaren Kennedy at

Participants will be asked to provide their residential phone number and address to register

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Louez un espace au Centre de bien-être

Salles de formation

Si vous animez des cours ou des activités visant la grossesse, la naissance, les familles et les enfants, vous pouvez louer une de nos magnifiques salles spacieuses et bien éclairées, et ce, sept jours sur sept. Suffit de nous contacter pour la marche à suivre.

Salles cliniques

Le Centre de bien-être compte aussi quatre salles cliniques à louer. Par contre, pour l’instant, elles sont toutes occupées.