Health and Wellness Service

The Wellness Centre offers a wide range of classes, services, and events to pregnant people, new parents, and families in Ottawa. The Wellness Centre is open to any member of the community, regardless of care provider or where you are planning to give birth.

Classes and events at the Wellness Centre

Some of the classes and events you may find offered at the OBWC include prenatal education, baby-wearing dance class, first aid and a hypnobirthing course.

Other Services offered by the Wellness Centre

Ottawa Public Health has partnered with the Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre to offer pop-up community based vaccine clinics. Please see our calendar for a list of scheduled clinics, or visit the OPH website here.

Join other people who are in their perinatal period for a weekly check in and discussion of topics that are chosen by participants. Past topics have included: Wellness tools, top tips for navigating pregnancy and postpartum and navigating relationships with family members. This group meets weekly and is led by a peer facilitator and the Lead of Women's Mental Health at The Royal.

Participants benefit from connecting with other pregnant and postpartum people and learning that they are not alone. We've been there and we get it.

To learn more and register, email us at

Participants will be asked to provide their residential phone number and address to register.

What’s happening this week?


Space rental at the Wellness Centre

We offer a beautiful, light-filled, spacious room for running classes and events related to pregnancy, birth, families, and children, and we have four clinic rooms to rent.

Please contact us to find out more about renting space at the Wellness Centre.

Rent our Spaces


We offer a beautiful, light-filled, spacious room for running classes or events related to pregnancy, birth, families, and children. Rentals are available 7 days a week. Please contact us to find out more about renting space at the Wellness Centre.

The Wellness Centre features four clinic rooms available to rent. Please contact us for more information.