Do you have questions or comments? We’d love to hear from you and we are always happy to help.
For general and media inquiries, please contact
101-2260 Walkley Road,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 6A8
+1 (613) 260-1441
+1 (613) 260-2332
Office Hours:
(The Birth Centre is open for births 24 hours a day, 265 days a year)
Follow us on social media
Did you take a tour or a class here? Do you have feedback to share with us? We would love to hear it! Click to fill out a feedback form.
The OBWC strives to provide high quality services and a safe environment for our clients and members of the public. The OBWC is committed to providing a space that is safe physically, socially, linguistically, emotionally and spiritually. Every person who accesses services in our space is welcome to provide written or verbal feedback and we value receiving this feedback. Feedback of all kinds is welcomed, however please keep in mind that the OBWC adheres to a strict Code of Conduct where upon there is a zero-tolerance policy for harassment or discrimination of any kind.
There are several ways that you can share your feedback with us:
*Please note: if you are a registered client who signed an informed consent and you were admitted for labour/birth to the OBWC, you will receive an email from the OBWC with a feedback survey2-4 weeks of your admission.
If your feedback is a formal complaint, we invite you to direct it to our Executive Director at
Formal complaints will be investigated, resolved (where possible) with a response provided to you within 10 business days of the receipt of the complaint. If the complaint alleges harm or risk of harm to a client(s), an investigation will be started immediately. f the OBWC anticipates that the complaint cannot be investigated and resolved within 10 business days, the OBWC will provide an acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint within 5 business days, including when the complainant can reasonably expect a resolution.
Executive Director
Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre
2260 Walkley Road, Ottawa, ON. K1G 6A8
For complaints about services accessed at the OBWC, your first step is to contact the OBWC directly so that a formal complaints procedure as noted above can be initiated. It is also important for you to know that you may choose to contact Ontario’s Patient Ombudsman via:
Or, by mail:
Box 130, 77 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, ON M7A 1N3
For information about insured and uninsured services, and about the Protecting Access to Public Healthcare program, contact the ministry by e-mail at or by phone (toll-free) at 1-888-662-6613.
As a licensed Integrated Community Health Services Centre, the OBWC is required to post a list of fees associated with uninsured services. There are no fees for any services offered in the Birth Centre for labour and delivery. Clients are offered a hot meal after the birth of their baby. If support people also request a meal this will be offered on a cost recovery basis. Please note that the services offered in our Wellness Programming are outside this scope and are offered through secondary service providers. There may be program fees associated with these offerings.